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недеља, 7. фебруар 2010.

Conflict 2012 Kosovo Sunrise - Kosovska Zora

Kao sto smo pisali u nekim od predhodnih postova, Srbi polako prestaju da budu negativci kako u filmovima tako i u igricama. Naravno, ne treba cekati na ceo svet da promeni misljenje o nama, moramo im malo i pomoci. Ovom mislju se vodio i Aleksandar Djokic kada je napravio nastavak igre Blitzkrieg: Conflict 2012 Kosovo Sunrise - Kosovska Zora.

Evo kako je strani mediji opisuju, a prenosi blog Besplatne Igrice - potpuno profesionalno, bez osvrta na politicku pricu.

Blitzkrieg - A word that manages the world without translation. In the gambling scene Blitzkrieg since 2003 for real-time tactical strategy. In Wartime - Blitzkrieg Tactics, the six major titles in a blitzkrieg Schober summarized and crowned with Conflict 2012th We have thrown you for a look at the whole package and report here our experience.

United Publishing has this package, in which several developers involved were published. In addition to NIVAL the LaPlata sttudios and 1C Company is, G5 Software and Enigma Interactive Engine and patriot of the party. Promised to be more than 179 missions with over 300 hours playing time.
Wartime - Blitzkrieg Tactics puts on 3 DVD in a well-designed cardboard stacks. Small detail on the edge, the DVD-backs on each other graphically designed. Schober, On the rear you will find a synopsis of Wartime package. The Wartime logo adorns the front, a tank of the Wehrmacht and the cover of the games.

The installation is not automatic, unfortunately, each book must be individually installed. A selection menu for all the tracks would have been nice. Tanks for this war is available in German and English language. Green Devils and Burning Horizon come as a reloaded version. This means that all units of armored warfare are all well represented here, are used. Conflict 2012 is objected to this, modern mod '. The scenario is based in contrast to the blitz / Panzerkrieg titles in the current era. After the installation you need to insert only once every 10 days, the Panzerkrieg DVD into the drive. Only then logs on again the copy protection.
Stalingrad and The Day After running completely independent of tank warfare, and will be installed as stand-alone games.

The gameplay of the Blitzkrieg series has always been commanded on a 2D landscape, 3D vehicles and infantry, and all without base building. The AI of the original version found in Burning Horizon and Rolling Tunder been improvements. Constantly refined through LaPlata, was introduced with the air, landing in the Green Devils Blitzkrieg universe. A higlight for the fans at this time.
Tank War - Burning Horizon 2 came in the autumn of 2008 in the sale. Despite, or perhaps because of the long period, the Blitzkrieg already on the market, is a first class full of armored warfare tactics, offers real-time strategy game settled the proper scripts and high level.

Conflict with 2012
, the player will be moved into the now. Modern weapons, the scenario of Kosovo and the locations from the evening news a term. The units are designed in great detail, this sounds very good. The epoch is presented very clean. Even here, as has been the other titles of the LaPlata Studios, richness of detail and good mission design. If much of the operation nor of Kosovo Sunrise LaPlata, but by a former war veteran, is a Serbian paratroopers. LaPlata has completed Conflict 2012 - Operation Kosovo Sunrise. The missions are of different levels of difficulty. At level "normal", and climb all the possibly ever ask for experience of the player here already a big hurdle dar. The completed tasks will be awarded with medals. The carriage of the engine also grab Conflict 2012th
Conflict 2012 is around 100 modern units. There are helicopters, drones and missile launchers are used. Everything in the encyclopedia can be found on the vehicles. Extremely important are the armored units. Modern weapons have a shooting sequence and are therefore often devastating for infantry units. The balance between the various parties is not entirely balanced, the heavy weapons were not always available in sufficient measure of the warring parties. So it is good to watch on his arms. In addition to keeping the ammunition, the player must of course, the fuel supply in the eye. Otherwise, remain in the fray are simply the best armor and lack of the front line. The pathfinding of the AI still has its own idiosyncrasies, or life, depending on how you see it.

Stalingrad is the antithesis of Conflict 2012th Not in the way of playing but with the weapon. Stalingrad is simply the typical WW2 real time strategy game. Excellent mission design and sophisticated maps.

The Day After, is fictitious and created weapons of WW2 mixes with modern weapons. In addition, here comes a turn-based part of the game. Units are placed on a campaign map, those are the plays. On the mission maps, the battles in real time or in automatic battle will be settled.

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Gde moze da se nabavi ova igra???

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